Who We Are
Dickinson County Concerned Citizens is a group of residents who have identified the imminent negative impact to individuals living near wind turbines. There are three proposed wind turbine projects being developed currently in Dickinson County with a potential for 203 turbines. These turbines will be 499 feet and 591 feet (per FAA records).
Our citizens’ health, safety and wellbeing must be preserved, protected, and not negatively impacted by these projects. The current Dickinson County Ordinance Article #21 Conditional Uses Wind Energy Conversion Systems implemented in 2009 is outdated and has limited protection for health or protection of rural landowners’ property rights. The current setback is 1200 feet from the dwelling. Research verifies that under the current ordinance, there will be significant and direct impacts on the health of residents. We want our county to revise this ordinance and to increase our citizens’ awareness of these projects.