Letter To The Editor
There are three proposed wind turbine projects being developed currently in Dickinson County with a potential for 203 turbines. Per FAA records, these turbines will be 499 feet and 591 feet heights (near the height of the St Louis Arch). Dickinson County Concerned Citizens is a group of residents who have identified the imminent negative impact to individuals in our county.
Our citizens’ health, safety and wellbeing must be preserved, protected, with no negative impact by these projects. The current Dickinson County Ordinance Article #21 Conditional Uses Wind Energy Conversion Systems implemented in 2009 is outdated and has limited protection for health or protection of rural landowners’ property rights. Research verifies that under the current ordinance, there will be significant and direct impacts on the health of residents.
Our group completed research, compiled ordinances from multiple counties in Iowa, developed a proposed ordinance incorporating this data, and submitted to the Dickinson County Planning and Zoning Board on June 19th. While the board did direct to initiate a sub-committee to evaluate the ordinance, no action has been taken. In a conversation with one of the wind energy developers, we were told that they would submit their application in 60 days…..that means in JULY!! This month….
As a community, citizens need to urge the Dickinson County Board of Supervisors to restrict any applications for wind energy at this time and until the ordinance has been fully researched and revised. Sioux County currently has a moratorium restricting application until they’ve completed their evaluation/revision and their current ordinance was effective in 2018 (only 5 years old). Dickinson County’s ordinance was effective in 2009 and has NOT been updated. Restriction of wind energy applications is critical to protect the citizens of our county!!!
Wind energy applications are submitted to the Board of Adjustment. Their next meeting is scheduled on Monday, July 24th. Time is of the essence… contact our Board of Supervisors and ask how they plan to protect our county citizens!!!!
Respectfully submitted,
Dickinson County Concerned Citizens