Did You Know 200+ More Turbines Are Proposed To Be Built In Our Lakes Area?
Our updated wind energy ordinance does NOT require a property value guarantee from the wind energy developer to protect value of non-participating property. Many other counties require this agreement.
The updated wind energy ordinance includes 30 hrs per year and 30 minutes ON AVERAGE daily of shadow flicker. Check out this video on what this looks like in the surrounding homes.
Surrounding homeowners will hear their movements day and night. The current updated wind energy ordinance requires it to be under 50 dBA. That’s the equivalent of someone having a conversation right next to you when you’re laying in bed sleeping.
The updated wind energy ordinance for Dickinson County is 1600 ft setback distance from a home. Data shows that when they malfunction and a blade throws, it’s capable of flying much farther than this. This puts homeowners and their family’s safety at jeapordy.
The IOWA DNR stated, “Certain landscapes, such as the Loess Hills in western Iowa and the ‘Iowa Great Lakes Region’ in northwest Iowa, are known for their beauty, rarity, and for extensive wildlife breeding and migrating activities. Such landscapes should be avoided entirely for biological and aesthetic reasons.”
Dickinson County Updated Wind Energy Ordinance has NO requirements for fire suppression and turbine fires are left to burn themselves out. This risks crops and neighboring properties and homes.
Do We Want Our
Iowa Great Lakes
To Be Known For Wind Turbines?
A beautiful landscape that has been known for generations as the place many call home, and even more call their getaway.
Our area is known for its natural beauty, formed by glaciers thousands of years ago with stunning scenery, wildlife and natural landscape.
There are wind energy companies trying to infiltrate our communities, set up a temporary office in town, and make millions off of their construction projects. Leaving us with the equipment left over.
These are the proposed wind turbine projects coming soon.
Red Rock Wind and Three Waters Wind (NextEra) are proposing projects with 591 ft and 599 ft turbines through out the Iowa Great Lakes area.
This is the equivalent of 20 2-story houses, or twice the size of the Statue of Liberty.
This map shows all the proposed wind turbines as of fall 2023.
Help Us Take Action
To say NO to these projects and preserve the Iowa Great Lakes from becoming a wind farm.
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Sign up for our newsletter. There are project applications coming in soon and we need to be ready to speak up to the Dickinson County board about our concerns and encourage them to say no to these upcoming applications.
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